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(136472) Makemake

(136472) Makemake

(136472) Makemake

From https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/mpec/K20/K20UH0.html

(136472) Makemake = 2005 FY9 Discovered at Palomar on 2005-03-31 by M. E. Brown, C. A. Trujillo, and D. L. Rabinowitz. (136472) Makemake = 2005 FY9 Makemake is the creator of humanity and the god of fertility in the mythology of the South Pacific island of Rapa Nui, or Easter Island. He was the chief god of the Tangata manu bird-man cult and was worshiped in the form of sea birds, which were his incarnation. His material symbol was a man with a bird's head. [Ref: Minor Planet Circ. 63395]

from JPL Small-Body Database Browser
Element Value Unit
Epoch 2459200.5 JED
(2020-Dec-17.0) TDB
Classification TransNeptunian Object
e 0.1628810653133941
a 45.36880771278152 AU
q 37.97908798052514 AU
i 28.98825824474855 deg
node 79.58108765233096 deg
peri 294.8690868410145 deg
M 166.1125451850249 deg
tp 2407697.276935958660 JED
period 111618.0616124011 d
305.59 yr
n 0.003225284463818379 deg/d
Q 52.7585274450379 AU

Physical Parameter Table
Parameter Value Units
abslute magnitude -0.13 mag.
diameter km
rotation period h
geometric albedo h
JPL Small-Body Database Browser

2021年05月03日 16.9等

(136472) Makemake
露光時間:30秒*20=10分00秒 ISO3200 長秒時ノイズリダクションをオン
Mewlon210FR/2050mm + LPS-P2 + 60D / EM200Temma2

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