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C/2020 A2 ( IWAMOTO )

C/2020 A2 ( IWAMOTO )

Comet & Asteroid - Small Bodies of the Solar System
Wednesday, 2020, January 15 - 07:35
Comet C/2020 A2 (Iwamoto) By Nick James

CBET 4714 announces the discovery of a new comet by Masayuki Iwamoto, Awa, Tokushima-ken, Japan, on two CCD frames taken on Jan. 8.86 UT with a 10-cm Pentax 400-mm-f.l. f/4.0 lens and a Canon EOS 6D camera. This comet was on the PCCP as IF033 but has now been designated C/2020 A2 (Iwamoto) on MPEC 2020-A132. At present it is a morning object moving gradually north in Ophiuchus. It is currently around mag 14 and looks to be just past perihelion. The object is definitely cometary and observations over the next few days are encouraged before the Moon gets too close.

The latest astrometry shows that the comet will be very well placed for northern hemisphere observers over the next few months. The latest images are here.

JPL Element Value Unit
Epoch 2458887.5 JED
(2020-Feb-08.0) TDB
Classification: Hyperbolic Comet
e 1.000544134219411
a -1798.091268039937 AU
q .97840298856468 AU
i 120.7467839719662 deg
node 286.3701289622275 deg
peri 68.25284600756812 deg
M 0.0003960371907368447 deg
tp 2458856.862770113254 JED
period ----- d
----- 3492.00 yr
n 0.0002822524282151086 deg/d
Q ----- AU

Physical Parameter Table
Parameter Value Units
abslute magnitude 14.8 mag.
sigma 1
rotation period h
geometric albedo
JPL Small-Body Database Browser, https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi#top

2020年03月17日 13.4等

C/2020 A2 ( IWAMOTO )
露光時間:30秒*10=05分00秒 ISO3200 長秒時ノイズリダクションをオン
Mewlon210FR/2060mm + LPS-P2 + 60D / EM200Temma2

2020年03月17日 12.9?等

C/2020 A2 ( IWAMOTO )
露光時間:30秒*10=05分00秒 ISO3200 長秒時ノイズリダクションをオン
Mewlon210FR/2060mm + LPS-P2 + 60D / EM200Temma2

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