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小惑星1316番Kasan (1316)Kasan


1316 Kasan, provisional designation 1933 WC, is a stony asteroid and sizable Mars-crosser on an eccentric orbit from the asteroid belt, approximately 7 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered on 17 November 1933, by Soviet astronomer Grigory Neujmin at the Simeiz Observatory on the Crimean peninsula.[3] The asteroid was named for the city of Kazan, Russia, and its nearby Engelhardt Observatory (Kazan Observatory).[2]
This minor planet was named after the city of Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. It was also named in honor of the nearby Kazan Observatory (Engelhardt Observatory). The official naming citation was mentioned in The Names of the Minor Planets by Paul Herget in 1955 (H 120).[2]

天体名1316 Kasan (1316)Kasan1933 WC
仮符号・別名 1933 WC
分類 小惑星
軌道の種類 Mars-crossing Asteroid
発見日 1933年11月17日
発見者 Neujmin, G. at Simeis
元期20179年4月27日 (JD 2458600.5)
軌道長半径 (a) 2.413003803888607 AU
近日点距離 (q) 1.652214436173078 AU
遠日点距離 (Q) 3.173793171604135 AU
離心率 (e) 0.3152872641516355
公転周期 (P) 3.75 年
軌道傾斜角 (i) 23.94864092420043 度
近日点引数 (ω) 148.6772217485083 度
昇交点黄経 (Ω) 238.2177790434091 度
平均近点角 (M) 302.8082485366251 度
衛星の数 0
自転周期 5.82 時間
スペクトル分類 spec_B
絶対等級 (H) 13.1
−−出典 Wiki−−

2019年11月21日 15.7等

小惑星1316番 Kasan (1316) Kasan
露光時間:30秒*14=07分 t-T=+07秒
Mewlon210FR/2080mm + LPS-P2 + 60D/ISO3200 / EM200Temma2

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