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小惑星6478番 ゴールト (6478)Gault
Asteroid 6478 Gault (1988 JC1) Orbital Elements
The following table lists the orbital elements of Asteroid 6478 Gault (1988 JC1) at epoch 26 April 2019 00:00 UTC (JD: 2458600.5). Source: JPL Small-Body Database
Element Symbol Value
Orbit eccentricity (e) 0.19358720
Orbit inclination (i) 22.81133583°
Perihelion distance (q) 1.85889846 AU = 278,087,251 km
Aphelion distance (Q) 2.75139162 AU = 411,602,329 km
Semi-major axis (a) 2.30514504 AU = 344,844,790 km
Orbital period (period) 3.5000 years = 1,278.3383 days
Date of perihelion transit (Tp) 2020-Jan-02 21:03:24
= 2,458,851.3774 JD
Argument of perihelion (peri) 83.267679160403°
Longitude of the ascending (node) 183.55766123027°
Mean anomaly (M) 289.34902398001°
Mean motion (n) 0.28161559°/day
Closest approach to Earth* 2072-May-27
Distance of closest approach* 0.98987075 AU
148,082,557 km

* NOTE: values for the closest approach are computed for the time interval between 2013-Jan-01 and 2100-Dec-31, with a sampling interval of 1 day.

−− 出典 −−

2019年02月26日 17.5等

小惑星(5478) Gault
露光時間:30秒*50=25分 t-T=+12秒
Mewlon210FR/2050mm + LPS-P2 + 60D/ISO3200 / EM200Temma2

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